Wednesday, April 13, 2011


We know it is there.  We've all been a part of it at some time.  We know the need is great and it can seem overwhelming.  But, if we work together to make the best use of our time, talents and energies we CAN make a significant difference in the lives of Sanpete's distressed and discouraged.

Just one step at a time and each person doing what they are best at doing or most capable of doing.  Many hands making light work - teamwork.

The Sanpete Humanitarian Council's work is to help coordinate available resources to help fulfill needs in our valley that are not being met.  Sub-4-Santa, a clothing bank for those in need are ongoing.  Tomorrow, hopefully, a Community Garden or Share the Harvest program.  There is a need for a Women's Shelter in North Sanpete.  You can help us determine other priorities and needs too.  There are enough of us who CAN help.  We CAN do it.

Please contact us to tell us what your interests might be.  We'll soon have a list of volunteer opportunities on the volunteer page and a "wish list" for donations :)

Thanks for your interest!